Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Memorable Experience

You're going to get really tired of me blogging about Sharon, Vermont. This was an absolutely
terrific patriotic program called Hope of America which was performed on May 31 by Primary children as well as military people. Up near the Memorial are representatives of every branch of the service. The massive red-shirted group you see is Primary kids and their leaders who sang beautifully and with their whole hearts. Closer to the Memorial are rows and rows of small flags. For six days before this event it had rained steadily. When we arrived that Sunday evening, the wind was very, very cold! At our house (an hour away), the wind blew shingles off the roof. It was obvious that only the toughest and those who came prepared (most hadn't) would stay warm and be able to enjoy the service. The chaplain who gave the opening prayer asked that the weather be tempered for the service and the JSM director and the missionaries who work there had said a fervent prayer as well. The wind stopped. It did not even move the flags. Storm clouds threatened several times and passed over. Our family home evening group who are old-timers here said this is a common occurence. The weather abates to allow programs, etc. to occur and then you'd better head for your car because the adverse weather is going to return with gusto and they were right. I'm a sucker for such programs as these and it really touched my heart.

Here's a luggage carrier we saw in the parking lot on the way out. One day we're going to travel to the Northeast Kingdom which is, of course, the northeast corner of Vermont where the moose population is 4 to 1 (4 moose to each human). It's my goal to see a moose before we leave.

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