Sunday, August 2, 2009

Silent Cal

We toured yet another historical site on Saturday—Plymouth Notch, the birthplace of Calvin Coolidge. Sorry this picture looks hazy, but I took it through glass which covered the door. This is the room where Coolidge was sworn in by his father who was a notary public after President Warren G. Harding died of a heart attack.

This small town remains pretty much unchanged since 1923 when Coolidge was President. It was Plymouth Pioneer Days at the site. There were quite a few people there so we weren’t able to get to the cemetery. The two pictures below were in the small home where Coolidge was born. The one is the actual room and the other is in the kitchen. Can you guess what the object is which is attached to the table?

This has been a wonderful, inspiring weekend. We attended a baptism which is always a special occasion. Kristina had been searching for some time for answers to life’s difficult questions. She talked to a fellow student who also attends the New England Culinary Institute and he and the missionaries were able to answer her questions. We also experienced the tender mercy of a loving Heavenly Father who blessed our family in a miraculous way with our beloved Jennie. We are so blessed and, to end the weekend with beauty, we saw this outside our window.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Mom what is that attached to the table?? lol