Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My niece Shannon, whom I love dearly, has tagged me to write six quirks about myself. It’s interesting to determine what your quirks are and what, exactly, is a quirk? Is it something you dislike? A prejudice? A bad habit? Anyway—here goes. These are my quirks especially ala my eternal companion who is quick to point them out.

1. I have to sleep on “my” side of the bed. Normally, I sleep on my left side and if it’s the wrong side of the bed, I just can’t get my shoulder in the right place. I’m really trying to learn to sleep on my back, but it’s not happening. Since I’m an insomniac what sleep I do get is important.

2. I am a patsy, an easy mark, an old softie. It doesn’t matter what it is, someone can easily convince me to support a cause, buy a product, or do it “their” way. When I resist, I feel terrible. I buy things that I don’t need just because someone else thinks I should or my conscience nags me. Case in point: the Paralyzed Veterans’ of America! In 2002, my Uncle Willis sent them my address and they’ve sent me address labels all these years with the wrong address! Do I send them back? No. Have I asked them to correct the address? Many times, but it’s never quite right. Do I send the money for them? Every single time! Do I use them? I can’t. They have the wrong address.

3. I am obsessed with buying “gadgets” for my hobbies most notably quilting. Here’s a picture all of the things that I have just for marking fabric. I’m like the Little Mermaid. “You need a freeesfkj? I have ten!” Need I say more? Thank goodness I have an indulgent husband. The dumb thing is that I get offended when he makes comments like “The kids are going to have a ball when they clean out the sewing closet after you die!” He’s right, of course.

4. Since I am a bibliomaniac, I read several books at a time. I always have a book at the table (Garth and I both read when we eat). I have a book on tape in the sewing room. I have an audiobook on my MP3 player and one on my iPod. And I have some kind of reading material in the upstairs bathroom. We always have a book on tape in the car. The weird thing is that I can still keep track of all these plots.

5. I like raw potatoes with lots of salt and I also like boiled potatoes (like the ones you prepare for potato salads). In the past couple of years, I haven’t done this as much lately because potatoes don’t have as good a flavor as they used to.

6. I am totally addicted to caffeine. My addiction started when I was in college and my newly baptized roommate bought us Cokes and peanuts to put in them. She called them Word of Wisdom parties. I’ve tried off and on for years to “kick” the habit, unsuccessfully. Honestly, I keep trying. Unfortunately, I don’t like anything diet. Anyone with any good suggestions to help, I would be grateful.

There, I’ve bared my soul. Now I tag Julia, Joe, Jeff, Julirae, Darla, and Jennie.


Susan said...

I could never understand how my mom could eat raw potatoes! Yuck. I guess it's an Idaho thing.

I don't know how you keep track of the plots of so many books. I've tried to read more than one at a time and I just can't. It's too confusing for me.

I was laughing reading through your quirks - you and Mom are so alike!

Unknown said...

You are such a good sport! It was fun to read about your quirks. I too like raw potatoes with salt. It was an after school snack as kids, my mom would say if you're hungry, go peel a potato. I recently kicked the pop addiction. I would drink caffeine free diet coke like crazy. I think the aspertame was affecting me, making me a little dizzy at times. Don't get me wrong, I still love it and have some now and then, but I'm no longer addicted!

I am glad you tagged Julirae and Joe. They haven't blogged in like forever. I keep checking though, thinking maybe today is my lucky day! Does Janeen have a blog?