Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Lot Happening in our Lives

This has been the scene at our house for two weekends--wall to wall kids. What a lot of fun! Please note Dylan's socks. As Jennie says, he much prefers to sleep in all his clothes including his shoes and socks!

I don't know if you can tell, but they're all coloring in the same color book. You can imagine that didn't last long.

Everybody always needs a haircut! She also cut Angie, Sammie, Andrew, and Joe's. She also did a little waxing. Can you imagine the sound of his ouch?

This week we lost another dear friend of our family, Carolyn Winder. Our little town is reeling from all of these deaths--there have now been eight in as many weeks. Carolyn died from complications of extensive heart surgery. She was here on the Slope when we came. She and her husband DeWain have been our dear, dear friends. The four of us spent many good times going to the movies and dinner on payday while her kids watched our babies. One time we even careened down long Radar Hill because the two men had both fallen asleep! No one was hurt--just the car. Carolyn was the head cook at RHS for many, many years and was well-known for her famous rolls. She was fun loving and full of vinegar and spice. She will be missed.

We're only days away from our departure for the mission field. We're planning to leave Friday as soon as we've watched Angie's presentation at History Day. With only two weeks preparation time, we've been in panic mode since our call came. We'll be set apart tomorrow by President Leavitt. We've many questions as we haven't yet heard from either our mission president or the Family History department. However, we're anxious to get on with this new phase in our lives. I read the weather report on the mission web site and I think we'd better take our long johns! Hope all is well with everyone.

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