Monday, November 10, 2008

Birthdays and Blowhards and Bravery

I didn't realize until this moment what my title implied for this picture of Brandt blowing out his candles! We have some November birthdays--Brandt, Dawniella, Greg, and Kat. Did I forget anyone? On Saturday we celebrated the big 50 for Brandt and the first birthday for Dawniella. Julirae's family has a tradition of giving the children a cake of their own on their first birthday. They take off their clothing and then let them eat the cake any way they want. Dawniella was very conservative about hers. Dawniella just starting taking a few steps about three days before, but wouldn't perform for us while we were there. It was a loud, but fun party.

On to the real blowhards! I hated this election! I hated listening to lies, inuendos, mud-slinging and putdowns. Obama was not my personal choice for President because he's inexperienced and a non-Christian and, to me, un-American. However and to avoid any nasty replies, he is the President and I will support him in that. Perhaps he will prove himself to me and I won't have to avoid listening to him by muting the TV when he's on. I hated that billions of dollars which could have been used to alleviate suffering worldwide was used on this campaign-- $150, 000 for a wardrobe? Excuse me?

I couldn't help but think about my first experience at voting for President. My dad was a dyed-in-the-wool Nixon fan. He hated JFK's youth and inexperience. He coached me carefully about Nixon. That year I went to BYU and my roommate was from Massachusetts. She'd spent her summer working on JFK's campaign. Together we went to political rallies on campus and helped make signs for the campus locations. JFK was going to represent the young. Other than that, I knew nothing about his politics. I always figured I cancelled out my dad's vote. The point is that there was no way JFK would not be elected just as there was no way Obama would not be elected. People voted with their hearts in both instances. I will have to pray fervently that the man has what it takes to lead this country and will remember the American values.

Today is Veteran's Day. I'm proud of those in my family who have served our country. Our ancestors have fought in many wars on both sides. Some have made the supreme sacrifice like my brother Joe. Besides teaching me about Nixon (and many other things, of course), my Dad made me a loyal American. I believe in America and her values. I get teary-eyed about our flag, our Pledge of Allegiance, our armed forces, patriotic displays. I'm grateful for my nephews Steve, Ben and Jacob who are presently in the military. Thanks to you all. God bless America and may He keep her safe.

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